2022.6 – Military Training for Civilian Police

I think if civilian police forces had military training, their deliberate murders would not be a reality. I’m not talking a six-month stitch. Military advanced training is much tougher than the police training, both in basic training that graduates to active duty. It is a longer time served which teaches someone how to think in both an offensive and defensive way.They both have stringent disciplines; basic training has the foundation for what is coming. Police do not have the discipline and training to know when to think before firing a weapon. Murdering a boy with his hands up was unnecessary. The smart person would calculate there must be someone else there with a weapon. If not? Well, the boy did not have a weapon…

George Floyd is another example, etc., etc.

Joining the police force is a copout. Members think their training is the same as armed forces’ education. That’s BS. There is a small percentage of police in-the-field who have constant association with a higher rank. I’m not talking about one grade higher.

Becoming smart is a learning tool. If continued, it becomes a part of your thinking. But so does evil. Everyone has intelligence. But the smart people use this gift by organizing and acting as needed. Not murdering someone unnecessarily. In the military, your ass would be court-martialed and imprisoned. I think 90% of police are afraid to serve in one of the five armed forces’ branches. They believe becoming a cop or a state trooper equals them to an HD. No way! Military experiences can raise a person’s rationality a lot.

Books that express racism: To Kill A Mockingbird, Dying of Whiteness, and The New Jim Crow.

My upcoming novels, Lost Identity, Counter Identity, and Fatal Identity, include a relationship of biracial friendship; a white man and a black man. Due in late spring and early summer, 2021.

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