2020.8 – COVID-19

COVID – 19

It is too bad that some people either refuse to believe or are ignorant of the threat of the Coronavirus.

If they looked back into history, that reality would help them understand better. This illness is on its way to becoming a cousin to the Bubonic Plague of the 1300s. Twenty-five million people perished. That was a lot of people then. Can we estimate that 250,000,000 people will perish in the early twenty-first century?

One of the problems then and now is social interaction without self-protection. With greater numbers of people sick and dying from Covid-19, time is on the side of the disease.

Evolutionary theory tells us that a pathogen that kills all its victims will eventually run out of victims, leading to its own extinction. Is that what we want?

Modern medicine and science advise us to protect ourselves, which protects others. Let’s not let history repeat itself.

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