2022.1 – Thank You Andrew Watts

Andrew Watts has written a series of novels about the US Navy that I have found very interesting. The setting for the novels is the Far East, and their plots cover problems the US Navy has with China.

 As a US Army veteran, I can’t get over how much I relate to the Navy situation. Many similar experiences came back to me as I read. Chuckling to myself, I said, “God, almighty, I remember those days.” Especially the times I stood before a higher-ranked soldier who was giving me an a** chewing. It is a series for veterans of all branches. Because of my similar experiences, those chain-of-command situations show up in my books as well.

The authors’ use of vocabulary and detailed explanations make the novels truly enjoyable to me. But the books also will entertain those who have not served.

I hope other military novel fans will check us both out.

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