2023.1 Germany or Holland


Germany and Holland are the locations for my novel, Lost Identity. Living in the former and visiting the latter gave me ideas. Espionage is a social interaction, often criminal, for both domestic and international participants. My novel, however, is not to be mistaken for a mystery novel, and I’ve chosen not to populate it with extraneous killings.

Relationships divide when an underground spy organization interferes with the friendship of Captains Paul Remmich and Eric Miller. One escapes a threat, thinly disguised as a bribe, to earn thousands of dollars by stealing top secret information. The other one, unknowingly, is trapped in a second attempt to capture an accessory necessary for their crime. With Remmich unable to resist their hypnotic control of his conscious mind, the spies are free to pursue their goal.

These authors, John LeCarré, David Ignatius, and JC Ryan, have written spy novels I like, to name a few.

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