Karl Braungart

Karl Braungart worked in military intelligence during the Cold War when living in Germany. He worked in the S2 (Intelligence) administration of the 3rd Infantry Division, screening and processing soldiers for security clearances, preparing formal documents for access to classified information and attending briefings on intelligence operations. That training and his travels through Europe and part of the Middle East helped develop his understanding of espionage tactics and diplomacy. Karl graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, majoring in political science (international affairs & comparative governments). He has spent the last several decades studying Middle East politics and social movements. Memberships include the Maryland Writers Association, Eastern Shore Writers Association, the Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild, and the Independent Book Publishers Association, and the International Publishers Association.

spy fiction books

What Makes Thrilling Tales of Spies and Espionage so Irresistible?

What Makes Thrilling Tales of Spies and Espionage so Irresistible? Karl Braungart’s thrilling tales of spies and espionage have captivated readers worldwide. As an author with a unique background in military intelligence and diplomacy, Braungart brings an unparalleled authenticity to his work that makes it irresistible. From the high-stakes world of covert operations to the …

What Makes Thrilling Tales of Spies and Espionage so Irresistible? Read More »

new espionage books

How Can the Best Espionage Novels Transport You to the World of Spies and Secrets?

How Can the Best Espionage Novels Transport You to the World of Spies and Secrets? Diving into an espionage novel is like stepping into a world filled with secrets, deception, and high-stakes adventures. Karl Braungart, the acclaimed author behind “Lost Identity,” “Counter Identity,” “Fatal Identity,” and “Triple Deception,” masterfully crafts these immersive experiences. But what …

How Can the Best Espionage Novels Transport You to the World of Spies and Secrets? Read More »

2023.10 Laugh Time

My favorite question and response from The Hollywood Squares TV show in the 60s… Q. Paul, what is a good reason for pounding meat? A. Paul Lynde: Loneliness! (The audience laughed so long and hard it took up almost 15 minutes of the show!)

2023.6 – Fathers’ Day

Aging: physical features changing; learning from our children by comparing their thoughts and attitudes to people I dealt with in my life; identifying with our grandchildren by relating their experiences to ours; learning to handle situations better by reducing emotional reactions, etc. So, being a father sharpened my experiences of time, exhaustion, fun, travel, excitement, …

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2023.5 – Tempting Fate?

Beethoven, Bruckner, and Mahler died after writing their ninth symphonies. I’m up to my fifth novel and wonder what will happen after I’ve finished my ninth. But Mahler believed that he could cheat death if his next symphony was titled rather than numbered. Should I be concerned? Any ideas?

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