Counter Identity Synopsis/Summary


After having been drugged and hypnotized, Paul Remmich, a former army captain who still works for the army as a civilian, continues his covert job for the Iraqi espionage organization known as Tariq’Allah.


Tying up loose ends from his first assignment, he’s inspecting two conference rooms in the headquarters building at the US Army base in Stuttgart. Weeks before, he secretly wired them so the Iraqis could eavesdrop on meetings. Since it’s a Saturday, two Army investigative agents on patrol question the presence of workers in the building. Contractors are not usually permitted on weekends. Encountering Remmich first, they are satisfied with his explanation for being there and continue their search for the plumbers whose truck was outside. Minutes later, Remmich hears two unmistakable pops from a silenced gun. Alarmed by what he finds, he reports it and leaves the base once he’s cleared as a suspect.


For his next assignment, the Iraqis send Remmich to Cuba on a business trip to meet with Middle East authorities. Unbeknownst to him, his old friend, Major Eric Miller, is also in Cuba hunting for soldiers who have gone AWOL. Miller and his CIA associate are shocked when they see Remmich, especially considering he told his friend he would be in Amsterdam. Miller returns to his duty station in Germany with an unshakeable suspicion that something is wrong.


Upon Remmich’s return home, he gets another new assignment. The Iraqis have become confident with their success in recruiting him and want to expand their infiltration into an African Third World country. To do that, they’ll and need another mole. They believe they have a surefire way to get the Army officer they had their sights on before Remmich.


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