2023.3 Why Do I Write

I have been asked, “Why do you write, and where do you get your ideas?”  I like the freedom to think about something and elaborate on it. When I get ideas, I write them down or record them on my small recorder.

I write because some of my personal experiences, like my military service, offer situations that I believe would make good stories. Other ideas come from daily interactions, such as radio talk shows on the news about foreign or domestic social upheavals in the Middle East, USA, Europe, etc.

A bit of writing advice: I seldom experience writer’s block. When it does happen, I walk away and do something else to clear my mind. Because I sit for hours, I purchased a desk that I can raise and lower electronically.  Its four-push button system allows me to select the level I want for sitting and standing. And I sit in an ergonomic chair.

And lastly, I read. Authors I enjoy are Jason Kasper, David Ignatius, Patricia Cornwell, Blake Pierce, Andrew Watts, Dean Koontz, Jack Arbor, Dan Brown, Rob Sinclair, etc.

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